Monday, October 09, 2006

This is my FIRST POST on my FIRST BLOG, so please forgive my Newbie behaviour.

I'm not sure how often I will post here or even look at this Blog... But every once and awhile, I'll feel frustrated and have a desire to vent.. ergo, this Blog.

If you read it I hope you enjoy it... If you don't... as they say in my adopted homeland... Up 2 U.

My Motto is "Bomb Them with BREAD!"

It's time to consider that the existing system is too polarized, partisan and dysfunctional to ever be repaired. I call for a strong and independent 3rd party... one that will represent the tenets of the Founding Fathers, true Freedom and Democracy.

I call for Freedom of Choice, Tolerance, Common Sense and the age-old principle of "catching more flies with honey". Bombs don't destroy Enemies. They only create more. Bread is the Universal currency.

Bomb them with Bread, make Friends... not Enemies.
Tolerating Intolerance is Intolerable.
No Tolerance for the Intolerant, is more Tolerable then Not.

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